Just Roll With It, It Will Be Okay.
I’ve been noticing a trend lately with moms (and not moms also) that so many feel like they need to control every aspect of everything all the time. The possibility of not being in full control of every situation just puts them over the edge. This is such a hard way to live. I’m guilty of trying to control too many things myself!
You have to learn how to let some things go! You have to learn that it’s ok if things aren’t perfect. It’s ok if you aren’t a perfect Pinterest mom. As frustrating and difficult as that might be to realize, the perfect Pinterest moms are NOT perfect. Their kids have temper tantrums, they get sick, they pick their noses, they eat McDonalds, they dump their Cheez-It’s in their car seat, the kids rip their nicely styled hair out as soon as they get to school, they smack their heads while trying to get them into their car seats, their kids dump their dinner on the floor, their husbands (boyfriends, spouses, wives, whatever) aren’t always nice to them, they don’t have all the money, they probably have loads of laundry hidden somewhere out of view of their perfectly staged Instagram pictures.
Everyone is trying to make the best decisions for their kids and their families, it makes it so much harder when you feel like you have to make the “right” decision, as opposed to the “right for you” decision.
You have to learn to just roll with the situation, adapt, accept what is and make the best of it. We all know it’s impossible to control everything around you, you can only control your reactions to things. So why stress when things that are beyond your control are happening in a way other than planned? It’s a stressful way to live.
Believe me when I say that I’ve learned this the hard way over the last few years! When I was ready to get pregnant again - boom: infertility, miscarriage. When I finally got pregnant, boom: complications, testing, worries, stay in the hospital “until the baby is born”. Was it going to be a week? 10 weeks? Finally time to have the baby, boom: he’s way too small and very early. We stay in the NICU for 53 days. I didn’t want a C-section, I wanted a natural home birth! I had zero control over any of these things! I had to roll with it. I had to make the best of it. I had to keep going.
I’m not saying it’s easy in the least. It’s SO hard to let go and let things be. I hate the phrase “it is what it is” but honestly, it’s valid. It is what it is! It’s not ALWAYS what you wanted or what you planned for but it is what it is. Just breathe and roll with it!
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