
Showing posts from December, 2019

I am Not Stressing Over Christmas Anymore

I have anxiety and ADD. Things like Christmas shopping for a ton of people put me over the edge every. single. year. Things such as going to family parties, decorating, selecting a tree and buying presents have always been a huge stressor to me. I know, we ALL want to give our kids a perfect magical Christmas full of traditions and Elves and wonderous activities but the reality is that for the working mommies who have multiple kids and responsibilities it gets a bit tricky. One major reason this stuff always stressed me out was the lack of money -  I was a single parent, in nursing school, paying for school out of pocket, and working a full-time job that paid slightly above minimum wage. My kid wanted to cool stuff like any other kid - Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, American Girl dolls, clothes from the cool stores but I really couldn't afford much of it. Plus I always felt like I had to buy things for my friends and other family members even if they didn't care. I was luc...

I had a Miscarriage

I wrote this probably 2 1/2 - 3 years ago when some of these feelings were fresher in my mind. I'm now 40, almost 41. I've given birth to that baby I so desperately wanted. It has worked out but it was not the road I expected to go down when I started with this journey. I'm 36 years old, soon to be 37. I knew going in that having a baby was not going to be as easy a task as it was at 21 but I had no idea how emotionally and physically trying it would actually be. It seems like for pretty much everyone I know there was no planning involved and whoops! babies everywhere! but for me there was a busy schedule of counting cycle days, cell phone apps to keep up with, checking gross things like "cervical mucus", strategically planning romantic "date nights" at home, then, of course, the dreaded "two-week wait" between the date nights and the expected "visit from Aunt Flo"... Fucking Aunt Flo. Aunt Flo is a bitch.     So month after month...

I Decided to Try A Menstrual Cup, Part 2: It Finally Arrived!

This is the continuing saga of my menstrual cup journey. It finally arrived in the mail! I decided to go with the unbranded one from and was very pleasantly surprised when I went to order and discovered that they sell them in packages of two - a large size and a small size so I didn't have to guess and spend the money on the wrong size! I also found out that they have a deal that when I bought one set I could get a second set for $10 extra so I got 4 cups altogether for about $30 which is about what ONE cup would cost elsewhere. Score!! It took about two weeks to arrive, which is ok considering it's not Amazon Prime promising 1-2 day shipping. Their website does say that they have United States and also international suppliers so it should take around 2 weeks including a few days to process the order. I also want to note that they offer a few cool products geared at empowering women such as reusable fabric pads, cute bags, jewelry, and even shoes and pillows...