
Showing posts from October, 2019

Find Your Tribe and Trust Them!

We meet friends when we are young, teens, 20’s and we think they are our soulmates. We like all the same stuff, we hate all the same stuff. We have fun, we “get” each other. But as we go through life experiences we grow and change and often we don’t fit together anymore. Sometimes we are lucky and even if we don’t fit like we used to we still love and support each other. I’m lucky enough to have a best friend since 9th grade who while we have grown far apart physically and in our experiences, we still love and support each other in all of our life travels. We may not see eye to eye on everything but we can put our differences aside and still have a great time and be supportive. I think one of the biggest friendship breakers is having kids. We all started out having our kids and not really knowing all there is to know (do any of us know everything really anyway??). Leaning on people who have already been there, done that is so important for new moms to get by. You may have different v...

I am 1 in 4.

I had an early miscarriage. In fact, I had two. I hate to even admit those words honestly, it’s easier to just forget about it and pretend it never happened because admitting that it happened to me is really, really painful. We sort of lazily tried for around 5 months or so to get pregnant before I got that BFP (big fat positive). I was honestly shocked when I saw that positive test because I didn’t think it was going to happen! I kept it a secret for an entire 2 days. When I finally told PJ he was kind of freaked out and had a hard time handling the news. We had an argument the following Thursday about it, I told him to have a talk with his brother because I didn’t know how to help him be ok with having a baby - this was all super new for him so I understood the immense fear he would be feeling but I’m not a guy, I don’t know. Exactly one week later, a Saturday night, I had a sudden onset of severe cramping and bleeding. I googled and googled, texted people I haven’t spoken to in ...